Monday, October 31, 2011

Cake Walk

Isabella's number was called at the cake walk and of course she chose the purple cupcake and she ate evry last bit. She sure does love sweets!

Fall Festival

After cookies with the characters, we headed to a fall festival at a church in town. We met up with Isabella's friend, Camden. Both kids had a lot of fun! Isabella even won a cupcake at the cake walk! Yum Yum!!

More Cookies with Characters

In between autographs and visits with characters, we were able to take a couple pictures with Isabella. Brian loved the characters and Christmas music just as much as Isabella did!

Cookies with Characters

This past Saturday, we went to eat Cookies with Characters. Isabella was quiet and taking it all in. Once the characters started coming out, she got excited and got real excited when Dora came out. She was more excited about seeing Dora than about seeing anyone else.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Picking those veggies

Isabella loved picking vegetables inside the museum at one of the castle areas. Each area of museum is split up into the different parts/jobs of the castle workers. Here, she is gathering the vegetables from the garden. We had a lot of fun!

I hear the train a comin....

Ever since we spent part of the summer in MN with Auntie Sara, Uncle Jon, Jackson and Bryson, Isabella has loved trains. So when we visit the children's musem, she loves going and watching the trains. She also loved pushing the buttons to make the train honk its horn.

Renaissance Day at Children's Museum

Brian had a Saturday off so we took advantage of that and headed to the Children's Museum here in town. There is an exhibit called the Traveling Castle and it is here until December. She loves to play in it! On this particular day, there was face painting and ponies plus turkey legs for sale. We also got Isabella corn on a stick and she loved it and the turkey. The turkey leg was enough for all of us! She loved playing in the mini castle for little ones.

Fun at the Fair

Brian had to work last Saturday, so Isabella and mama headed out to the state fair. She loved looking at all of the bunnies, more than the cows, goats, and sheep. I tried to get her to sit on a donkey, but she never would. After looking at the animals, we rode the carousel three times. She loves riding those!

Taking a nap and three babies on the way

Isabella played hard with Everett on Saturday, so she was ready for a nap with Grann (mama jo). Brian's sister is expecting a girl in December, his cousin is expecting a girl in January, and I am expecting a girl in Feburary. So we took this picture to capture the memory of all being pregnant at the same time. I do have a pregnant belly, it is just hard to see. My little girl (Lilly) is riding low so it is hard to see the baby bump.

My Pretty Pumpkin Dress

I took several pictures of Isabella in her pumpkin dress that Aunt Suzie gave her. These are two of the neatest ones I think. She has recently started picking up sticks, pointing them, and saying "pow, pow." She must have picked that up from school (daycare).

Picking out a Pumpkin

Uncle Frank (or uncle Pank as Isabella calls him) grew a pumpkin patch in the back field, so of course Isabella got to pick one out. It did finish turning orange once we got home and we will make a jack-o-latern next weekend.

Fun at Aunt Suzie's

Erika's baby shower was a couple weekends ago, so Isabella and I spent the weekend in MS with family while Brian stayed at home and worked. She loved listening to the book, "The Monster at the End of this Book" as did her cousin Everett. They also enjoyed all the food that was there to eat-yum yum!

Having a turn at breaking the Pinata

While at Camdon's party, Isabella got to break the pinata, or at least try to. She did pretty good for her first time at trying to break one!

First Birthday Party to attend

A few weekends ago, Isabella went to a birthdya party for her friend, Camdon. It was a sports theme party, so Isabella was dressed for the part. Camdon is in the middle and Jayden is the boy next to Camdon. In the other picture, Isabella is pinning the football at the 20 yard line! She got it right on! Either she could see or she has watched so much football with mom and dad that she knows right where it is.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Random Pics

In Isabella's eyes, there is nothing like eating a whole ripe tomato! She definitely belongs to the Church/Blackwell family! Mama on the other hand, can do without that! Brian must have taken this picture while Mama was asleep. How peaceful Isabella looks!