Here is Isabella shortly after she fell asleep. She is holding a monkey that Grann (Mama Jo) got her for Valentine's day. She chose that monkey to sleep with and I thought it was so cute how she was clutching it in her fist as she went to sleep.
The past few nights, Isabella has wanted to make a pallet next to her daddy and go to sleep at night. I couldn't resist taking a picture! Of course, once she is asleep, we move her to her bed where she sleeps all night:)!! She sure does love her mama and daddy!
Isabella sure did loved eating at McDonald's with Mimi and she loved playing on the coolest playground around! Of course, she enjoyed reading lots of books with Aunt Suzie!
Mamaw Johnson got a book for Isabella and Aunt Suzie read it while Mamaw Johnson listened and of course Isabella had to stop and pose for the camera! She loves that book! She also loved wearing Uncle Frank's socks and shoes. We tried to tell her they were stinky and sweaty, but that didn't stop her from wearing them!
Before school started back, we headed to Aunt Suzie's to get some furniture and to have some last summer fun. She loved playing in the water with Erika and Joe, and with the bubble wand. She was blwoing bubbles in the water too, which she had not done before. We had so much fun!
At the end of July, we headed to Baton Rouge to see mama's best friend, Abby and her family. Isabella had a blast playing with Aaron on the bed, dressing up, and playing with Minnie Mouse. Abby had recently had a little girl and Surprisingly Isabella was not jealous when mama held her! We are hoping, praying, that this will be the case once Isabella's brother or sister comes along in February!